Five Little Ducks Wet Play Game

Five Little Ducks Game Wet Play

Little Pea’s favourite thing in the whole world is splashing in water. Whether it’s in the bath or in a pool of water she’s tipped from her sippy cup, if there’s water she loves it. She also loves ducks. It didn’t take a huge mental leap to know that she would love a chance to play Five Little Ducks in her sensory bin.

five little ducks wet play

I put warm water, lavender baby bubble bath and a tiny drop of dark blue food gel into the sensory bin (a 32 litre storage box that I repurposed for such things) and set this up on her oil cloth with a towel to catch any drips. As well as the five rubber ducks and their mother, I added paper straws for interest.

We had a great time singing Five Little Ducks and I think having the ducks in the sensory bin helped Little Pea make the link between the abstract words of the rhyme and the concept behind it, as we removed a duck for each verse and then I counted them while handing them to her to start the new verse. I think Little Pea was even more relieved than Mother Duck when all of the little ducks came back!

She also loved watching me blow bubbles into the water using a paper straw and got bold enough to touch them with her toes and then her fingers.

Five Little Ducks wet sensory play